The original Bioinformatics release is SciRoKo 2.1, which can be found in the previous versions.
New features in release 3.4
- When extracting the flanking sequences of a microsatellite, the start position, the end position and the length of the microsatellite is reported into the fasta header. This is useful for automated primer design using the newly developed Perl-script DesignPrimer
- In previous Versions SciRoKo per default simply ignored sequences containing invalid characters. As this was the source for some confusion, the new version throws an Error and quits when invalid sequences are provided.
- The default settings have been adjusted
New features in release 3.3
- extract flanking sequences of microsatellites or compound microsatellites (SciRoKo's little helpers)
- extensive testing of the SciRoKo class library using NUnit
- whole chromosomes may be analysed without the need for prior digestion of the sequence into sequence chunks - unfortunatelly the new sequence container decreases the speed of SciRoKo, but 700 sec for H. sapiens instead of 500 should still be acceptable
- employing modern design pattern: eg.: strategy, template method, abstract factory, state, static factory
New features in release 3.1:
- Export and import of SSR-Couples (two adjacent SSR)
- Selecting a SSR-Couple subset (Homo- or Heterocouples)
- Choosing of the required statistics detail level
- Selecting of a microsatellite subset according to a required score
- uses MVC to increase maintainability and to facilitate bug-fixing