Download latest version of SciRoKo:SciRoKo is platform independent and runs in Windows, Linux and Mac OsX. It has, however, primarily been developed for Windows, if you encounter any problems in Linux or Mac OsX please try the Windows version. If you have any problems with the Windows version, please contact me at the eMail address below.
The command line version of the SciRoKo SSR-search module!
The perl script DesignPrimer can be used to automatically design PCR primer pairs for the SciRoKo output. Run SciRoKo in Windows:1.) Download 2.) Unpack in any folder 3.) Install the Microsoft .net Framework 2.0 or higher (.net Framework) 4.) Double Click SciRoKo.exe
Run SciRoKo in Linux, Mac OsX:1.) Download 2.) Unpack in any folder 3.) Install the latest version of the Mono software (Mono) 4.a) Open the console; Type: "mono SciRoKo.exe" |