Run PanGEA in Windows:

1.) Download

2.) Unpack in any folder (make sure that all files are in this folder: PanGEA.exe, PanCom.dll, Bioinformatic.dll, PanGEAInitialize.xml)

3.) Install the Microsoft .net Framework 2.0 or higher (.net Framework)

4.) Double Click PanGEA.exe

5.) Read the license and decide whether you want to support PanGEA


Run PanGEA in Linux, Mac OsX:

1.) Download

2.) Unpack in any folder (make sure that all files are in this folder: PanGEA.exe, PanCom.dll, Bioinformatic.dll, PanGEAInitialize.xml)

3.) Install the latest version of the Mono software (Mono)

4.a) Open the console; Type: "mono PanGEA.exe"
4.b) Sometimes even double clicking works.

5.) Read the license and decide whether you want to support PanGEA


Important note:

PanGEA is primarily designed for Windows and runs most efficiently with the .Net Framework 2.0. Since the Mono project is stil improving its implementations some errors might occur. Therefore the best performance of PanGEA can be achieved with the Windows version. However, I have debugged PanGEA both in Windows (.Net) and Linux (Mono) and it should work on both platforms without major issues.

It is always a heated discussion which OS system should be used and many Bioinformatics scientists prefer Mac OS X or Linux. In my opinion, however, it should not be a problem for a computer specialist to run a virtual machine with Windows but running a virtual machine with Linux will be a problem for the common users. Therefore, a software being designed for Windows should cover the needs of most potential users..