


Download PanGEA-SNP


PanGEA-SNP is platform independent and works in Windows, Linux and Mac OsX. It should actually work on all platforms supported by the Mono-project


Run PanGEA-SNP in Windows:

1.) Download PanGEA-SNP.rar

2.) Unpack PanGEA-SNP.rar in any folder (make sure that all files are in this folder: PanGEA-SNP.exe, PanCom.dll, Bioinformatic.dll)

3.) Install the Microsoft .net Framework 2.0 or higher (.net Framework)

4.) Open the console and type the command, for example:
"PanGEA-SNP -i alignments.aln"

Tip: use .bat files


Run PanGEA-SNP in Linux, Mac OsX:

1.) Download PanGEA-SNP.rar

2.) Unpack PanGEA-SNP.rar in any folder (make sure that all files are in this folder: PanGEA-SNP.exe, PanCom.dll, Bioinformatic.dll)

3.) Install the latest version of the Mono software (Mono)

4) Open the console and type the command, for example:
"mono PanGEA-SNP.exe -i alignments.aln "

Tip: use shell scripts, for example:
exec /usr/bin/mono PanGEA-SNP.exe -i alignments.aln