
PanGEA should run on any PC with most operating systems like Windows, Linux Mac OsX.

As PanGEA loads the whole set of database sequences, either genes or whole genomes, at once into the memory and creates a hash-table of these sequences, the RAM should be > 1Gb. If you want to map ESTs to the whole human genome you will probably require > 5 Gb. However, mapping ESTs to the genes of any organism usuallly requires only about 1 Gb of RAM which should not be a problem with modern computers. Since a PanGEA-BlastN search will fully occupy one cpu for hours we recommend to use a PC with two or more cpus. PanGEA will always only keep a single cpu busy.

SNP identification and management is not demanding in the amount of required RAM and computation time, and should therefore not cause any problems.